Charlene Muskego

ƛasəm qʷayigəns (Strong Willpower) Owner Tosum Ltd Colab @noojimohealthcircle Consultant @takingitglobal Fitness Online Instructor Featured in @nativemaxmag

Personal Detail

CCN Contest –
CCN-9 Nexus
Classes entered
Open-Bikini |
Contest weight
119 Lbs
Contest height
5 Feet 7.75 Inches
Contest location
Team Representing
Ryan Sullivan Team SUF
Gym representing
Flourish Fitness
Shout outs
Huge thank you to my husband, who helped with this prep. Seeing him help me throughout this prep has helped me tremendously. The best prep we had together. Huge thank you to my children as well. Always making me laugh and helping me out when asked. Thank you to my coach, Ryan, for going above and beyond! Appreciated it! Thank you to Shauna for my gorgeous bikini! You always know how to make me feel so beautiful on stage with your custom-made bikinis. My bikinis always fit like a glove. Thank you to my posing coach Mitch, aka rice cake sis! Thank you, Lilla, for my gorgeous mega lashes!! Thank you to Soul 2 Sole massage Valerie for my cupping and deep tissue massage! You are the sweetest and always make me feel so good—especially your last compliment at the end of our previous session. “I hope you win first place. You deserve it.” The way it said it was so humbling and so touching. Thank you to my Chiro, Dr Farrell, for cracking me up and pulling my leg! (Literally). He’s saved me more on a few occasions over the years! Genuinely grateful to him! Thank you to my acupuncturist and subconscious imprinting Kim from Thrive Within for your wisdom and healing. Thank you to my gym, Flourish Fitness, to Floriane and Ryan! I appreciate you both so much! Thank you to my online and in-person clients for inspiring me each day with their progress in the gym and waiting for my return after this weekend! It's truly a full circle.

Athlete Level Status

$0 Total Raised

A portion of the money raised will be donated to the annual SUF Thanksgiving Food Drive. The rest will be used to help increase the amount of prize money given out for this event.

Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


Level 5


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Level 4


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Level 5

Cyber Coliseum

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Cyber Collesium General Admission
Reserving a virtual seat to show support for your athlete is FREE once your athlete has unlocked level 5 in their event profile. The athlete with the most amount of virtual fans at the end of the competition will be awarded with fan favorite prize money. Limit 1 seat per IP address.


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